The Student Health Academy program is offered to Year 10 students in the Midwest of Western Australia. It aims to provide students with information about health and health careers.
Has your child ever thought of a career in health but is unsure which one might be for them?
Year 10 students in the Midwest of Western Australia are invited to be part of the WA Centre for Rural Health annual two-day Student Health Academy program.
During the program, students will:
✔️Get active with some skills that health professionals do in their work.
✔️Meet local health professionals & university health science students.
After the program, students will:
✔️Have a clearer understanding if a career in health is for them.
✔️Have a greater knowledge of the range of health careers available to them.
2024 Dates:
Term 3: Friday 26 July & Friday 16 August 2024.
Students are required to attend both days.
Application Process
Application details are available at your child’s school or can by emailing SHA-wacrh@uwa.edu.au.
Applications require parent/guardian and school permission.
Applications close by: Friday 31 May 2024.
View the Student Health Academy flyer.
Careers in health:
Aboriginal Health Professional, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Podiatry, Medicine, Paramedicine, Speech Pathology, Social Work, Pharmacy, Occupational Therapy, Medical Imaging, Exercise Physiology, Dietetics, Optometry and more.